Wednesday, November 05, 2008


Well at least it is all over. I doubt we'll see any major changes for quite some time.. but I'm glad that the election is over and am curious to see how Mr. Obama does in the White House.

Also, I'm sad to see the results come in from California. I am amazed at how vehemently so many people believe in marriage. It just seems sort of stupid to me.. if two people love each other, they should be entitled to the same benefits that a legal marriage provides to everyone else. I'm quite surprised California passed the ban... of all the states.

They didn't get 60 seats.. sorry Joey. I know that probably is a slight damper on, what I can only assume, is a festive mood.

I'm glad the abortion issues raised in S. Dakota didn't pass. Also the bill that was going to label birth as "conception" in Colorado I think it was. I could only imagine the headaches that would have caused there.

Anyways, at least it is over and people can get back to arguing and bickering about other things.



J Williams said...


Recounts in Alaska and Minnesota

Run-off in Georgia

We're winning in Oregon!


Dave said...

well keep your fingers crossed. I still don't see it happening. I'm amazed that Stevens is still able to hold on in Alaska... crazy.

drboom said...

possible big tax increase comming for the rich - looks like I'll have to wait four years to be a millionare...

Dave said...

Crap.. if there is a tax increase coming I better start hiding my huge piles of money either in a mattress or in off shore accounts.

I like the mattress idea.. I can get one on layaway for next to nothing.

J Williams said...

yeah, big tax increase for the rich = marginally less rich rich people. hoo boy that sure is terrible compared to having functional schools and preventative health care.

good educations + health care = investments that make everyone rich in the long run. everyone includes rich people, so, uh, yeah.