Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Funny sights of the day

Driving home I saw:

a guy riding a motorcycle while smoking a cigerette. It was like he was asking to die both a slow and fast death. Hedging his bets I guess.

a porsche cheyenne (sp? the SUV) driving 10 mph slower than the speed limit. Way to waste 70,000 dollars on a car which can't go offroad and then drive it slowly on the road.

a PT cruiser with what looked to be the world's second largest car antenna.. right next to the largest antenna I've ever seen. These were clamped on the car with a variety of large bolts and slabs of metal. They had an amatuer radio operator license plate (like we needed the hint..) When I passed the person I was hoping to see a man with a CB mike in his hand and a trucker mesh-back hat that said HAM RADIO FOR LIFE. Unfortunetely it was a really old woman. Seriously.. these antennae were practically stricking stoplights as she drove under.

That is all..


Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Missing Links?

Crap, where did all my links go?

Oh, there they are.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

4 pounds

Yeah, four pounds, give or take. This is the average weight that I've lost while running 4-6 miles at lunch daily over the past week or so. So that is roughly 1.8 L of water that I sweating out in under an hour. This isn't taking into account the amount of sweat on my clothes when I return from my runs.

It is a shame Stuart is gone or I'd get him to calculate the flow rate of sweat from my body depending on a given surface area.

Using the Mosteller formula for body surface area I would have 2.06 square meters of skin. Holy crap that seems like a lot.

Stuart, I know you probably are surfing the interweb right now.. so I anticipate the answer sooner rather than later. Get on it!


Monday, August 21, 2006

Funny anecdote

I recently traveled to Shreveport for the Rivercities Triahtlon. It was a good race, nothing spectacular to really talk concerning the race. Rather I shall relate a story about going to a casino the night before.

So a group of 7 of us go to the Horseshoe (I believe that is the one) and two guys want to get in on some texas hold-em. I think that this is one of the stupidest gambling games ever and the only reason anyone thinks they know what they are doing is due to a high amount of cable t.v. being given to this type of show. Also, the fact that you don't have to really bet on two hands and the rest you can just sit and watch, well that might be part of it.

Anyways, I played a blackjack for a bit, learned about the j.t.c.s. That stands for the J.T. Comback Strategy. Basically if you are down 100 bucks, you bet 100 bucks on the next hand in hopes of breaking even on one hand. The 2 times I saw the j.t.c.s implemented they both encountered dealer blackjacks. So, I believe the j.t.c.s actually isn't designed to make you any money, but guarentees the dealer gets a blackjack.

Ok, so the real story. We are all standing around waiting for the two guys to loss there money in the poker room, and some random chick (I know some find this derogatory but trust me calling this woman a chick is being nice) comes up to our group. She sort of breaks the little circle we had going and asks, "Can I have 100 bucks?" Before she even finishes this sentence I'm respond with a curt, "no thanks.." and just kept talking with the guys. She looked a little ticked but was quite determined to get money.. "How about 50 bucks?" This time I was a little more rude and sort of made a shoo-ing gesture and said, "No!" a tad bit harsher. I continued talking to the guys attempting to ignore the rude chick. She sort of mumbles something, and as she walks away says, "I wish I was a dumb bitch.." I can only assume she meant dumb bitches get money from random guys, I didn't really take time to think about all the social consequences of this statement. But she had provided me with an opening, I said quite loudly, "well you sort of are one." At this point she was behind me and I was told gave me quite the look.

I know, not that funny but I don't have much to work with at the moment and I felt like posting. It was quite entertaining, usually if someone is asking for money they offer something in return. But not this girl, she just expected random people to give her large sums of money for, being rude? I'm just not sure. And we were all in pretty ratty clothes so it didn't appear that we were rich or anything. I just don't know. Wierd if you ask me.

Ok, I'm out.


Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Side of the road..

Took a nice long ride on saturday. Been too long since I've really gotten out and put in some miles. Probably ended up pushing 80 miles but I took the computer off my bike a while back so I'm not entirely sure. I became tired with knowing all the data from each of my ride, obessing about averages and the like just seemed to detract from the ride. I know it is a good training tool but honestly I just want my legs to tell me how hard I am going, not my computer.

Saw a lot of interesting things on the road while riding. Some were the typical; dead raccoon, dead opossum, dead dog, dead cat.. a plethora of shattered and broken armadillos, and there were probably more since I smelled them but didn't actually see them. I guess I shouldn't be surprised by the amount of roadkill out there. They are usually back roads that I'm riding and people with extra large pick-ups and too many beers will bring down a devastation upon the heads of the small forest creatures. Do I care? Eh, not really. It is always sad to see a dog with a collar lying in the middle of the road, but I think I've become desensitized to the whole deal.

But I also saw some more things out of the ordinary. First I saw my apartment key.. lying on the road. This occured when I attempted to pull something else out of my pocket, and something metal hit the ground. At first I didn't think anything of it, then about 100 yards later I though, "crap, that was my key.." and I had to turn around and look desperately for it all while attempting not to get hit by a car. Next I saw a pair of scissors. I honestly can't recall ever seeing a pair of scissors on the side of the road. I thought it was odd. The next odd thing I saw was a tiny mouse, I swear he could have fit on a silver dollar with room to spare. Except for his tail which was really long. He was just hanging out just to the right of the white line. I hope he didn't get killed by some car, but my hopes are not high. The last wierd thing I saw was sort of the oddest.

As I was coming back into town I noticed a car parked some ways off the road. Hanging out the passenger window waving was some strange woman. She started hollering at me and waving franticly. I was tired, dehydrated and ready to be home so I just kept riding. I realized a short time later that I could actually make out what she was yelling. She was calling for help. Do I feel bad for not stopping? Of course not. I have no clue what was wrong with her but I highly doubt I could have done anything. Plus, I'm sort of worried about someone taking my bike (this would totally suck.) If something was wrong with her car she could have walked to the road, though it might have been a medical emergency which honestly I wouldn't want to get involved in. Had I been with someone else I might have considered stopping but alone, in spandex, in the middle of nowhere.. I am not stopping to help anyone except for a fellow biker (and only if I approve of the bike they are riding.)

Ok, so those were the things I saw on the side of the road while I rode my bike the other day.


Friday, August 11, 2006

Holy crap

A post, a new post. Everyone protect the soles of your feet since hell must have just frozen over. This might actually be brief but knowing me I'll rambling and rant about stupid things. I'll do my best to not waste your time.

I've gotten around the stupid firewall at work, or at least it appears that I have since it is now allowing me to access blogger.com. So yes, I might start posting more. Hey, it could happen.

Not much has really happened in the last month. Work is going as work tends to go, slowly. But they are sending me to Boston for a week in september for training. Looking forward to that despite the fact that I feel the training will be pedantic and boring. But hey, it'll be something different.

Lots of stuff happened/happening with a bunch of friends but don't feel it is my place to update you on their lives. There are links to their lives on the side of my page though I believe that Lacy hasn't updated in awhile. Sean has a new link which I'll get around to update eventually.

Ok, going to cut this short. I'll try to write some cool, interesting, witty, fun, impressive social commentary in the future. Maybe make it a point to update at least weekly, maybe more. We'll see what happens. I do need something to keep my occupied at work.
