Friday, May 18, 2007


Hope everyone rode their bike to work this morning. Since, you know, it is National Bike to Work Day. Of course, you might all be un-American, terrorist-loving, war-hating hippies and not want to support NB2WD... in which case.. I hate you.

NB2WD signifies all that is great in this land of GW Bush. Sticking it to the oil producing nations who hate America.. showing the world that hates us due to the current leadership that we aren't a bunch of obese, fast-food eating idiots............ well.. it would if I had seen anyone else riding to work this morning. Makes me sad sometimes, to see cars backed up at lights all containing one individual. Oh well.. I guess I can't really complain, since I've been off my bike a bit due to my stupid foot. But it is getting better, and I'm going to get better about riding more. With gas nearing 3 dollars a gallon, having an older car, well.. it only makes sense.


PS: Sorry for the complete randomness of this post.

Friday, May 04, 2007


And, enjoy!
