Tuesday, May 31, 2005

I suck at swimming.

Alright, raced yesterday and really sucked ass during the swim. There could be lots of reasons why I sucked, such as the 10 minutes of treading water that we had to do before our start, but that isn't good enough. I need to start swimming and get back into shape.

Anyways, the race went well other than the swim. Of course I could have done better on the bike.. I think my split was 31st out of 729 or so.. and my run was 129th.. and my swim was 262.. damn.. that really sucks. Clearly I know what I need to work on.

Ok, well I am going to get back to lovely El Dorado.. going to run in the morning on my new shoes.. very much looking forward to it.


Friday, May 27, 2005

Memorial Day

Since I no longer have internet in my apartment I haven't been able to post much lately. For some reason I must give off a vibe that prevents wireless networks from working properly. At hendrix they sucked in my apartment, and now at the apartments here the wireless sucks ass so much that I can barely get a signal. Stupid wireless networks sucking around me.

Got a race this weekend in Austin. It is going to rock. Going to down and stay with Michael and hang out, have fun, race. I am very excited. Not so excited that Willy is also coming from Fayetteville to race. That boy is way too fast for me. I am guessing he is going to win that race by a significant margin. But I'll race my hardest and see what happens. A sub-20 minute 5K would really rock. Doubt it is going to happen but who knows.

Alright... back to it.


Thursday, May 19, 2005

Race results

Well, I completed the race on Sunday down in Ruston. It was a good race, nice fast course and a variety of good racers. Erik and Beau destroyed the field and took first and second by minutes. I did ok, had a difficult time in the water, a pretty good bike, and a terrible run. But it is all good. I believe I went a shade over 1:10:00 so that isn't so bad. I would say this course was comparable to CATS so a 1:10:00 isn't so bad for not having been seriously training. And as Erik says it'll "light a fire under me." And it sort of has.. I've come up with a workout scedule and plan to join the master's swim group here in town next week. Actually might run over there tomorrow and see about swimming a little.

I'd post the splits but the website posting is all messed up. Actually I just checked and they seem to be in good working order now. Earlier it said Erik averaged 40+ mph on the bike.. and I know he is fast, but DAMN.

ok, here they are:
9:29 - swim
34:59 - bike
26:28 - run

the swim was a 500 yard swim, so way to slow in that category. The bike was 13.5 miles, so I'm happy with that, would have really prefered to be around 31 or 32, but I'll live. And the run was a 3.2 mile loop which I should have done in under 20.. or I should say would've liked to have done. But this is definetely going to get me back in the pool and running. Which is what I really need to do to get better.

Ok, I'm outta here.. going to TT up with The Ride guys tonight. Rode with some girls from the Ford/Landis pro team on tuesday, damn they are fast. I wish I only had to ride my bike for a living.. that would be so nice.

ok, I'm out.


Thursday, May 12, 2005

Not much going on..

Things have been sort of slow here in at home. Office work is slow, waiting for lab results and can't really finish that until they get in. That is frustrating. But life goes on. Biking and running. Ran a 10k the other day over my lunch break. That was pretty intense. Dyron is crazy fast.. I might be able to beat him in a sprint, but he does a lot more long distance stuff. Just ran a 3h 15m marathon up at Hogeye.. got third place. I bet he could have even run better but he started off slow.. damn.. a freaking marathon. I wish I had been around for the little rock one.. that would have been fun.

Take it easy people.


Tuesday, May 10, 2005

LJ crap..

ok, for anyone interested I started a Live Journal for commenting rights on other LJ posts. And one of these days I might actually start commenting on them. So if anyone is interested the link is here. Nothing on it, and probably won't be anything on it in the future. Yeah.. that is right. Only for comments.


Monday, May 09, 2005

Much needed post

Yeah, I know.. I post and post.. then I sort of don't post for about a week. But yes.. I'm back from Detroit, thank goodness. Been riding a bit. Not enough, it never is.. but hopefully it'll be enough to do decently well at the triathlon I'm planning on doing this weekend. I forget what it is called, but I'll try to get that on here in a bit. Maybe even get some pictures (if there are any taken) up and definetely get my times posted. And then you all can mock my slow ass, especially on the run. It is going to kick my butt.

Let us see.. what is going on.. not much. Doing laundry now.. having a brief, internal struggle attempting to determine if it would be socially acceptable (or just plain lazy) to pay to have someone else do my laundry. Or is it better to sit around for over an hour while the washing machines do their thing, then folding my clothes slowly.. probably about 3 hours of my life wasted. Or should I just pay someone a few bucks.. most likely around 20 or so.. to do it for me. It all comes down to how much I value my time. Would it be worth 3 hours of my time to spend around 16 bucks on laundry (it costs around 4 bucks in quarters to do laundry here in my apt. complex..) But yeah.. let me know what you think.

And just so I don't become a Sean poster, or a Heather poster.. I'm going to cut it short..
