Monday, June 29, 2009

Transformers 1

So, with the release of Transformers 2 I decided to re-watch Transformers the original. No, I don't mean the awesome 1986 movie cast with such greats as Orson Welles, Leonard Nimoy and Eric idle... no, I mean the 2007 movie with such greats as.... well... yeah. Bernie Mac had a nice little part in it, and Anthony Anderson is always enjoyable. But for the most part... yeah, not many "greats".

So, I watched this when it was originally released. It was ok... but it didn't really strike me as "HOLY SHIT THIS IS AWESOME!" like some movies have. So this weekend was only my second time seeing the film. I remember a lot of plot holes and sort of bullshit moments in the movie... but being that it is a sci-fi movie.. you have to allow some of those to slide.

Upon a second viewing of the film.. well yeah.. it is just a bunch of crap. It has its moments... but with the technological superiority of the Decepticons and Autobots... humans wouldn't stand a chance fighting against them. I mean, Blackout completely wiped out a base in Qatar at the beginning of the movie... but then a bunch of Decepticons are fighting in a city.. and getting their asses handed to them by a few squads of under-armed marines. Come on... they have no qualms over destroying human life... but they are just sort of sitting around getting shot at by mere humans. And it isn't like the autobots were able to protect them. Bah.

I didn't mind the humor from "section 7"... but they had the global communications net brought down (by what?) and then they are communicating pretty easily a few scenes later. Maybe this would be explained in an extended scene... but in the version I watched... yeah. Just sort of confuses me. And the x-bow, mountain dew machine, and lincoln navigator that get turned into machines by the all-spark? what happens to those? nothing?

I could go on and on... but I think we all know where that would lead. All in all... don't think I'll be paying to see the new one. or the third one.. which has already been slated since people are sheep and have already paid over 300 mil. to watch Transformers 2.

And some say the economy is in a recession.


Thursday, June 25, 2009


Things have been happening in my life. Exciting things? Sometimes. Entertaining things? Depends on your definition of entertaining.

I've been reading a lot lately. Vernor Vinge has been exceedingly entertaining. I can't remember the last time I got sucked into a book like Deepness in the Sky. Charless Stross has also piqued my interest and I've been tearing through his Laundry series. Quite entertaining and I'd recommend them to just about everyone I know... well, assuming you enjoy techno-demonology... yeah... you read it correctly.

I've been riding the fixed gear more and more. I love riding it to work... just something so pure about cranking constantly without being about to coast. Also, track standing at intersections is immensely fun. Actually, it is helped my balance enough that I'm sometimes able to track stand with the road bike during group rides. I've yet to fall down and injure my pride... but don't worry, it is merely a matter of time.

Other than that, not much really happening, just trying to keep up with everything. Oh yeah, had to get new tires on my car... boo to that shit.


Monday, June 15, 2009

Race Update

So the race went well. I swam very good, rode fast, and ran better than I've ever run that distance before. Actually, not entirely true... but for a half ironman.. it was very fast.

I did have a flat on the bike course.. and probably lost close to 20 minutes waiting around for a support vehicle. I know now to carry extra tubies... CO2, etc. Yep.. lesson learned.

I'm quite proud of my results... but considering how I've slacked on everything but riding this season.. really lets me know that I need to run more in getting ready for my Ironman in August. Also... more distance in the pool, rather than the shorter, faster distances that I've been doing. Might help me get in better shape.

Alright.. that is the update. Sorry I haven't called anyone back... I'm tired.


Friday, June 12, 2009


I'm getting ready to drive to kansas this morning.... wooo.. boring. But on Sunday I have to make the return trip by myself... so expect lots of random calls throughout the afternoon and evening while I attempt to keep myself awake.

And, you can probably hear funny stories of me doing something stupid... like racing.


Tuesday, June 09, 2009


I have a race this coming weekend. I'm not looking forward to it.

That is all.


Sunday, June 07, 2009


Stupid freaking rain...

it has been either threatening to rain, or raining all day... sort of sucks. I hate riding in the rain... it is very annoying.

I should suck it up and go to the gym or for a run...

but eh.. I'm tired.


Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Random things

So I've been working downtown for the last few days.. and I notice a lot of single speed bikes. But they all have freewheels. Now, I know coasting is nice and all.. but if you've got a single speed bike, why not go all out and get a fixed gear? You can still put brakes on it, but then you would be far more efficient and most likely faster.

I want to ride my fixed gear more often. I've got the Vigorelli all ready to start riding to work.. and if I leave a road bike at work.. that means I could still get in evening rides and take the fixie home. I know.. probably going to destroy my legs and/or knees.. but it'll be nice.

Mash has some good vids up on their site. Get to see Lance riding a fixed gear and getting his ass handed to him. Of course, after watching the Giro one is used to seeing Lance getting his ass handed to him.

If you haven't already.. go watch some stuff by Tim Minchin. Very funny stuffs.


Monday, June 01, 2009


So, I've finally got my computer up and running in my apartment. My old laptop was getting progressively worse over the last few weeks so I finally got a new desktop. It is really nice, much more powerful than my laptop... and it can output directly to my TV. Which is very nice (in my opinion). The video card actually has an HDMI output on it.. so I don't have to deal with odd sizing issues or anything like that.

I've been trying to get back into the riding scene. I was off for a week.. then this last week was sort of wonky with weather, work, and bike issues. But this last weekend I rode saturday and sunday. Went extra hard on Saturday... is hurt a lot. And then Sunday the same Cat. 2 rider showed up and decided that a nice slow recovery ride wasn't going to happen. So we averaged 20+ for that ride... which is pretty quick considering the amount of turns and stop and go we had.

Anyways.. hopefully I'll stay healthy and get back into the swing of things.
