Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Random things

So I've been working downtown for the last few days.. and I notice a lot of single speed bikes. But they all have freewheels. Now, I know coasting is nice and all.. but if you've got a single speed bike, why not go all out and get a fixed gear? You can still put brakes on it, but then you would be far more efficient and most likely faster.

I want to ride my fixed gear more often. I've got the Vigorelli all ready to start riding to work.. and if I leave a road bike at work.. that means I could still get in evening rides and take the fixie home. I know.. probably going to destroy my legs and/or knees.. but it'll be nice.

Mash has some good vids up on their site. Get to see Lance riding a fixed gear and getting his ass handed to him. Of course, after watching the Giro one is used to seeing Lance getting his ass handed to him.

If you haven't already.. go watch some stuff by Tim Minchin. Very funny stuffs.


1 comment:

drboom said...

Fixed gear! Woot! It's the only way to ride, homeboy.