Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Sorry about the short hiatus. Had to travel down to Las Vegas for Interbike. It was a blast, though driving the trailer down there is always a little hectic.

I'm feeling like shit right now. Must have picked up something on the trip since I wasn't sleeping well, and sleeping in strange hotels most nights. I'm glad I made it through the trip healthy, better to be sick now rather than when I'm trying to talk to dealers.

All in all it was a good trip. Got to ride my bike in Utah and Nevada.. which was fun. I miss the desert, great riding and beautiful scenery. Not that other places that I've ridden aren't beautiful, just there is something about the vast expanses of sage brush and rock which really speak to me.

We got a few audiobooks for the trip and I have to recommend "Make Love: The Bruce Campbell Way" which is read by Bruce Campbell and cast.. so it is more than just a traditional audio book. We also listened to "Ender's Game" which is just a classic, and "Bandits" read by Frank Muller. It was amazing. If you ever get a chance to snag anything read by him for a long road trip... you won't regret it.

I'll write more later.. I'm sort of hungry now.


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