Thursday, February 28, 2008

Post winter training

So it is starting to warm up here in the cold north. And by warm up, I mean that some of the snow is melting off my car everyday. Temperatures still aren't really breaking freezing, but direct sun light is starting to have an effect. It is especially nice since it pools in the roads, then freezes. Lovely lovely.

But I dusted my rollers off last night and started a little bit of spinning. Going to start swimming next week if I can bring myself to go to the local YMCA. Not many other choices in the area.. so we'll see what happens. Been riding a new saddle which I got from the guys over at Blackwell Research. The ISM Adamo saddle. It definitely is a different feel compared to other saddles I've ridden... so it is taking some getting used to. It feels like it is using different muscles since I'm positioned slightly different and is going to force me to develop some new sit callouses that is for sure. Can't really spend more than 20 minutes or so on it but I'm building up my tolerance.

I think I'm getting into the Kansas Half Ironman.. or the Kansas 70.3 which they are called now. It is in June, so I need to get myself in shape. We are helping sponsor it so we get some free entries. Thus, why I'm going. Again, time to get myself in shape. I bet I could swim 1.2 miles... actually, no I couldn't. But I'll get here. Training.. here I come.

Anyways, just wanted to let everyone know that I'm alive and kicking. Well.. I will be doing more kicking in the water next week. I hear that is the best way to swim.. right Sean? Just kick like crazy and I'll get across the pool eventually.



lacy smith lister said...

the phrase "sit callouses" makes me uncomfortable.

Dave said...

would you have preferred the phrase "ass pads"?

J Williams said...

haha ASS. PADS.

you should make a product by that name and sell it on TV. with like some heartfelt commercial where a mother explains to a daughter -- while they are riding a tandem bike -- about ASS PADS.

"that callous on your sit? that's an ASS PAD."
"is it bad, mom?"
"not if you use DAVE-BRAND ASS PAD CREAM"

you need to keep me around for ideas like this.

J Williams said...

just so you know, is currently unregistered

S said...

Yeah, distance swimming is 90% legs for sure. Super efficient. :P I'm glad to hear you're training again. Maybe I can get myself motivated.

That is a strange looking saddle.

lacy smith lister said...

there is a pad series called azzpadz for rollerderby. it's like wearing a protective diaper so you don't break your tailbone if you fall on your azz.