Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Lunch adventures

Went out to lunch with my team from work. It was fun, food was good; basically we just mocked each other the entire time. Fun times indeed.

Since I rode my bike I rode with some others to the place. The driver needed to run to the local Christian Bookstore to pick up some new CD or something or other. I wasn't really paying attention. Anyways, myself and another guy (catholic) were wandering around the store mocking the things and just making asses out of ourselves. Perhaps giving me free time to roam a Christian bookstore isn't a good idea. Anyways, the point is, when she was getting ready to check out we saw a table of "close-out" items with a sign notifying shoppers that there were no refunds. I was sort of taken back by this, because even Jesus forgives.



lacy smith lister said...

you are going to hell - where god will inflict pain and punishment upon you. much like he doesn't refund returns, jesus doesn't forgive heathens either.

Anonymous said...

please please please tell me you made that comment to the store clerk

Dave said...

I know I'm going to hell, if such a place actually exists, but luckily all my friends will be there with me. Including you, just ask your mother. HA!

Dave said...

To anonymous:
No, I wish I had.. but he was busy recounting his last trip to a Christian rock concert to random people in the store. Quite sad.

Dave said...

Oh yes, I forgot Shawn, you went to lots of fun christian rock concerts during you lovely time at PA. No, I'm quite positive that I would hate going to one. They just seem like hacks, taking advantage of a gullible market. Dang, why didn't I start one years ago?

lacy smith lister said...

christian rock is better than the white strips. although not necessarily better than the white stripes..

if you would edit your musical interests that would just make my day.

Dave said...

blah.. so I can't spell.

There, I fixed it and updated some stuff.


Now you owe me even more.