Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Is it just me...

When I'm driving I tend to be sparing with my blinker. I hate people that have their blinker going and not realize it. Since hate has trained me to be very conservative with my blinker. I typically manually turn on and off my blinker since I don't trust whatever mechanism is integrated into the wheel to do it for me. Clearly it doesn't always work... especially clear when I'm driving behind a large SUV which has been attempting to make a left turn for the last 20 miles.

Anyways, I signal when I'm changing lanes. Usually 3-5 ticks of the blinker.. more if I'm attempting to merge into a crowded lane. But after I've made the lane change I turn off my blinker. Now, here comes the question.. what do you do when you enter into a forced turn lane? I signal when I enter into one of these lanes.. be it left or right.. but then I turn off my signal. I don't want to sit at a left turn arrow for a complete light cycle with my blinker clicking at me. It drives me crazy. I'm in the left turn only lane.. thus I must turn left. I feel that continuing to indicate that I am turning is redundant and pointless.

But I recently found out from a person who works at a driving school.. that it is required to have your blinker on in the turn lane. I was sort of confused as to why. But i'm just asking... what do you guys do with your blinkers in a turn lane situation. Do you leave them on? Turn them off? I must know!



S said...

If it's a right turn-only lane I usually don't bring the noise because I can't see how having the signal on would benefit anyone. If it's a left turn-only lane I'm worried about oncoming traffic running their light/stop sign so I'll use the blinker there.

Blinkers when it's a it's a forced merge? I'd say yes.

Dave said...

if I'm enter a lane of traffic going in the same direction as I am.. I use the blinker. I just hate leaving it at a stop light where I'm in the left turn lane. If I'm doing a "right turn yield on green" thing and I'm sitting in the intersection.. I'll have the blinker on typically. Since then people are "WTF is that guy doing".. could be trying to get back into traffic or turning.