Sunday, September 16, 2007


So I dragged my ass out of bed at 5:30 this morning to lead a ride from the shop. It was ~40 degrees when I left my apartment to ride over here. I get here.. and every other person who had called and told me they were coming... proceeded to call and tell me it was too cold to ride and they were just going to sleep in.

I'm going to go home and go back to sleep now.



J Williams said...

Balls to them.

lacy smith lister said...

kudos for updating, as many a folk do not update in this day and age. however, next time i would appreciate more substance and less bitching.


Dave said...

Very few things happen in my life anymore... and I don't want to brag about the good ones. So I bitch about things.

Not all of us go to weddings and concerts all the time.