So for pretty much the entire summer... I've had a spider that lives behind my side-view mirror on my car. drivers side. I don't drive my car too much in the summer months.. and never that far. Well, anyways.. this spider comes out at night and builds webs between my car mirror and my car. The parking lot for my apartment is right near a lake... and bugs seem to be in abundant supply in the area, thus his decision to use my vehicle as a feeding area.
But.. back to the spider. The odd thing is that I never see him/her/it (I personally call it a "he" since I'm a sexist like that.. deal with it bitches)on the web... just when I get into my car there is this web there.
So I was driving back from Aikido the other night and the spider was actually hanging out in the middle of the web. I was a little concerned... since while driving the wind was buffeting him something fierce... but he hung on for the entirety of the drive, which consequently, destroyed his web. I didn't see him when i got back to my apartment... so I assumed he retreated back behind the mirror.
The next time I got in my car I noticed there was no web there. I grew concerned... had my driving thrown the spider clear of my car? Had he finally got fed up with constantly needing to rebuild his web a few times a week? Did he die and was a rotting tiny spider carcass hidden behind my mirror? I may never know the answer.
But, this morning I noticed on my drive to work (it was rainy) that the spider web was back. Now... does this mean the original little spider has returned.... using my car's safety devices to destroy the insects which threaten my car on a nightly basis? Or has another spider taken up residence... discovering that '96 mercury sables attract bugs due to their heated side-view mirrors? I may never know.
that is all.