Nearly half way done with having to work downtown this week. It has been a frustrating ordeal thus far. Yesterday wasn't as bad as monday.. but leaving for work at 5:30am and getting home at 10:30pm really pisses me off for some reason. Go figure.
Some of the highlights of my day are walking across Chicago to get to the office. I could take a bus. In fact, the 122 (I think), would pick me up at Ogilvie and drop me off right outside this building. But I'm much more enjoying the 25 minute walk across town. Ok, so I don't know if it is across town... but it seems
pretty far. I've found that if I walk at around 80% max speed I can hit all the lights when I'm walking East... but I need to walk a bit slower to hit the lights walking North. Guess the blocks are slightly shorter or something.
It is a pretty good walk.. brisk, relatively flat, plus you get to weave in and out of people. Lots of fun. Sort of like going to a crowded mall and attempting to wade through the throngs of people as fast as possible. Yes, I realize that is a stupid thing to get excited over... but I've gotta find something positive about my day.
Alright, enough whining. I'm off.