I feel sort of bad. Most of my friends (well mainly just Liz that I've noticed lately) have been posting these massive blogs which are well written, clever, and insightful. I feel that I should follow suit or something, but at the moment I'm not feeling clever or insightful, nor am I very good at writting, so perhaps a massive blog will follow.
I went out and dd some soil sampling yesterday afternoon. It was intereting process, walking around this park, looking at trees that I can't determine if they are dead or not. I think the guy was just sort of wacky, since one tree would be fine, then the next would be sort of brown. Doesn't seem like Cl2 would really do that, but you know, I'm not a hortaculturalist or anything. But whatever, I got some dirt in bottles and it is going to a lab as we speak. I know we are going to find anything showing that chlorine is in the soil, and I doubt it is causing the trees to become slightly brown, but whatever. Life goes on.
Haven't installed HL2 yet, I know Joey, I'm sorry. But eventually I'll get it all installed and start killing some aliens. Ant lions will be my minions and I'll have rule over all the earth! Well, maybe I'm building it up too much, but I've got high hopes. On the box I believe it says "best game ever," and boxes never lie. But I'll install it up here in a few days and I'll kick some City 17 ass, or whatever it is.
Trying to keep this blog rolling. For some reason my hotel seems to enjoy canceling my little electronic keycards every few days. I don't know why they would do such a thing, especially last night when I was sort of tired, cold, and didn't want to deal with any shit. But instead, when I got to my room my card no longer worked. I don't understand, I've requested the room, given them my credit information, just let me stay in my damn room. I could understand kicking someone out of their room by say, taking all of his possesions out of the room, but they leave my shit in there. So what is the freaking point. This time I asked they don't cancel my card and just let me live at the hotel in peace, but I doubt it'll happen. I would hope that after staying in a hotel for 3 weeks or so they would just give me the benefit of the doubt and maybe believe that I know what I'm doing. I hate going to the desk and having the lady say, are you sure you want to book the room for another week? Come on bitch, I don't want to be in your damn hotel, despite its cute single servings of soap and shampoo (which I am given new ones every day, so I have around 20 bottles of shampoo stashed in the drawers of my room) just know that I have to stay and will be gone the second I get a chance. Perhaps I'll steal all the pillowcases or something.
Speaking of pillowcases. I've had to do laundry while I've been out here in SC (unlike some people who I work with who still haven't done any laundry) but anyways, when i say "do laundry" I mean drop it off at the front desk of the Holiday Inn and have them do it for me. So I've never had a little bag in my room in which I could place my clothes in, so I've just started using pillowcases from the room. Now you'd think that they would realize this, but instead, when I send my dirty clothes in a pillow case, it comes back washed, and neatly folded with the rest of my clothes. Hmm, well I guess that is kind of cool, but I always seem to not notice it, and put it in with my pile of shirts. So some mornings when I don't turn on the light and grab a shirt I end up with my head in a pillow case. Yeah, I'm sure that makes some of you laugh, but you wouldn't laugh if you started to freak out that your head had gotten really big at night and could no longer fit through the neck-hole of your t-shirts. I felt like George Costanza or something.
Alright, I think this blog is sufficently massive enough, poorly written, and lacking any redeeming qualities, cleverness, and humour. So with that I'm going to sign off. Lunch is calling my name.