Sunday, October 03, 2004

One more week

One more week, that's the word floating around the tank farm, along with a bunch of deadly gases and scary smells. Hopefully they'll be done circulationg the tank by then and I can get the shit outta Dodge. That is what I'm now calling this horrid place. But Amanda called me this evening, as well as Michael and one wrong number, so tonight has not been so bad. I've dominated the internet from the idiot Ashley, and at the moment he is off sulking or something out of the office. Go me.

Well I don't have much to say, I need to go calibrate a few monitors and get them working and ready to go out into Dodge. Ok, maybe calling it Dodge is sort of stupid. Maybe tomorrow I'll call it something different. Like "armpit of texas". I actually considered calling it that, but then I figured no one would know which part of Texas I was refering to. Oh, two points for messing with Texas. Once again proving that bumper stickers can't control your life.

I'm going now, some music, movies and literature await the rest of the evening. I'll try to post again and leave a little update on, well nothing imparticular. Oh yeah, American Express sucks but that is a story for another day. And why is it when you are buying 300 dollars worth of batteries people look at you strangely? I thought my excuse of "my car runs on batteries" was pretty funny, but people didn't believe me. Then I just said my girl friend is lonely when I'm at work. People apparently didn't get it since they just smiled and nodded. Go figure.

Enough.. I'm off.


amp said...

omg were they old?? man i wish i could've seen that... better yet, been standing there next to you and pretend to be said lonely girlfriend. ...i'm picturing some really old people who just don't understand and it is AWESOME!

amp said...

oh yeah. and you screwed w/ my dreams. i had horrible stress filled dreams and i blame it on you telling me about yours. and bc you said that mine mean that i'm crazy.

maybe you hurt my subconscious and it decided to be more like you? if that's the truth than i really am crazy. :)

J Williams said...

"batteries? huh? no, i'm not sad. i'm just trying to think of how to draw on an orange with a magnifying glass. what does that have to do with batteries?"

or alternatively,

"batteries? ha! that's just an urban legend... what have you heard?"