Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Occupying Time... aka My Day Thus Far

Hidee Ho everybody. How y'all doing other there? Hope every is having as good of a day as I am. Actually today has been just like every other day, sleep, work, find out that Wal-mart doesn't sell stamps. Watch annoying co-worker attempt to read supermarket novel and laugh as he fails and tries to sleep in the world's most uncomfortable chair. Ok, so that is an exageration, I'm sure there is a chair out there in the world that is more uncomfortable. I imagine the chair would have spikes on it instead of cushions, and everytime you sat in it, the chair would eat part of your soul. And if you stayed in it too long you'd be forced to eat a kitten. That chair would be far less comfortable than these but none the less these chairs are completely uncomfortable.

So work today has been uneventful. Rain threatened, so I had to wrap the stupid monitors in ziplock bags or garabage bags.. then there was a problem since when I sent coworker out, he let the bag go over the intake, so I was getting pump faults all over the place. Just goes to show that one should never send a completely idiot out when a trained monkey would suffice. I swear, I'm guessing most people would have listened to my explanation of what not to do with the bag. I told him quite explictly not to allow the plastic to cover up the inlet, but no.. apparentely that didn't get through his thick skull. Actually I'm surprised he didn't end up sufficating on the plastic bag. I can just picture myself, standing over his body.. contemplating giving him CPR or not.. all the while remembering the total pain in the ass that he has been. Now, I know some of you are thinking, "but Dave, every life is precious.." and I completely agree. But i also believe that if you are a complete waste of space and organic material, that there should be a serious reconsideration over whether or not what he had should really be considered a life. But enough of my crazy sadistic thoughts.. on to more cheerful things.

Joey sent me a link last night, to a comic that I've really fallen in love with. It is www.toothpastefordinner.com. A very fun site that I've been reading a lot of over the past 24 hours. My current favorite at the moment is this one. Man, I totally would save that account. Ahh, polar coordinates, brings back memories. I really hope Stuart sees this one... I think he would enjoy it too.. not nearly as much as he enjoys NOT WORKING *cough* slacker *cough* but still, it is funny. Check it out.

Enough of fun happy facts. At the plant this morning, the power went down. Honestly, totally freaky. Alarms start going off, I'm afraid that tanks are going to start exploding and ruining my shit. But nothing serious happened. The power came on 5 minutes later and everything is fine. But as I'm walking out to the car to drive back to the hotel, I look across at the other side of the facility (keep in mind the facility is huge!!) and there area huge towers of flame coming out of a bunch of release pipes. I'm talking, maybe 50 feet high, and billowing thick, black smoke. I believe they were burning off excese gas from their holding tanks. I thought it was a little odd, since normally I don't think they are allowed to do that, so I continue on and start driving. About 2 minutes outside the plant, I notice a thick haze hanging over the ground. Then I notice a new smell that I hadn't smelled on the plant since i got here. So I immediately started the AC on recirculate rather than pull in fresh air and just continued driving. About this time I noticed a bunch of vehicles on the side of the road from the Texas Department of Environmental Health, and they were using all this really fancy air monitoring devices. That is when I sort of start to get wierded out. But I just kept driving, through a haze for about another 10 minutes. So, that was the strange incident of my last 24 hours.. well that and the coworker not killing himself on a garbage bag.

Ok, this has rambled on more than long enough.. I must go change some batteries and pretend like I am working for the next... crap.. 5 hours. Night is going by incredibly slowy tonight. And Joey just signed off.. crap. No more interesting conversation from the man in AZ.


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