Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Chocolate Love Bunnies

Tonight was just another night. Nothing really exciting happened, 'cept for all the monitors going down simultaneously, and then not wanting to work the rest of the evening. That was sort of hectic. Talked with Jessica until my cell phones battery almost went dead. That was a lot of fun, catching up with friends who you've lost touch with seems to be a very rewarding experience. Though I have a feeling that if some people I remember from high school randomly called me and wanted to "catch up," Well I'd probably set a world record for how far I could throw my cell phone. Hopefully no random individual who used to know me is going to stumble across this website. That would really be wierd. Also chatted with Pip for a bit, before dumbass coworker took my internet. Gotta get back in touch with with good friends from back home. Also gotta make it out there for a vacation sometime soon.. too many peeps there that I need to hang out with again, and hit the gym with again. Ahh man Pip, so many good times hanging at the Y.. those were the days. Easy ass school in the day, and the gym all afternoon.

So what else is going on, not much. Once again I must state that American Express sucks.. I know I don't have credit.. but I need a larger limit. I don't understand what the problem is, I guess I'm probably just a risk for them. But I'm not.. maybe someone at American Express will read this and approve me for unlimited credit. One can only hope.

Joey's plan to mess with random camgirls isn't coming along as well as I hoped. I believe tomorrow night I'll have to place another comment on her page.. and I think Joey had some good suggestions, over-the-top is far superior to sane comments. I mean, we are messing with them and not trying to get to know them. Sometimes I wonder if messing with people is wrong, since i know I'd hate it if someone did it to me.. but then I realize I don't care about crazy people who post crazy things on Joey's webcam page... man joey.. how do you attract those crazy bitches. Like, are you wearing crazy bitch attracting cologne or something? Is it called Aqua Bitchla or something? Just wondering.

Alright, time to copy and paste some data, mess around in SigmaPlot (which is like Excel on steriods with as many arms as a hindu god, all constantly doing scary shit with graphs) use up all the ink in some ink cartridges, and then hit the hotel for hopefully waffles... oh I forgot to mention, I've been eating waffles every morning. The hotel has this really badass waffle maker, one downside is that it makes the waffles in the shape of texas, but the waffles are really good. The last two mornings, the waffle maker has been GONE! The BASTARDS. Apparently some idiot broke it, and now I'm forced to eat healthy stuff for breakfast.. WTF? Oh well. Oh yeah.. I found this cool site with some funny flash shit. Check it out if you are bored, like I always am. They also have some cool movies of a guy playing mario music. I'm sure I got the link from another site, like Anticlown or something, but whatever.

I'm outta here..

1 comment:

J Williams said...