Friday, October 29, 2004

Back in Texas, again

So I'm back in Texas City once again. I'm actually excited to be here this time. I've brought a much more positive attitude this time, plus all my work out equipment, and my bike is on it's way. Hopefully it'll get here before the weather gets worse. I think it is supposed to get into the 70's next week. That is just way too cold to right. :-)

I think it has been in the 90's lately and that'll be perfect for running and riding. Going to get the biker tan going on again, or at least I'm hoping that I will. Got a different hotel, and it is right on the beach. There seems to be a nice little running path that runs the entire length of the beach, so I'm thinking I'll be hitting that a lot with my running shoes. Not sure if it is long enough to get any good rides in. I might take my bike up to some frontage roads outside of town and ride my miles up there. As I've said before I want to get in lots of running miles, so I think that running will probably happen at least 5 times a week. That will be fun, especially running near the beach all the hotties on the beach will have to pay attention.

What else is going on.. still looking into getting an apartment down in the Rock. But since I'm staying in Texas for an indefinite amount of time, I'm not really all that worried about it. Maybe if I can stay here for a while then I'll be able to get an apartment downtown, there are some opening up in the next few months, just none are ready right now. Maybe I'll get a really cool apartment, get it all swanky, lots of triathlon stuff, all my bikes all over the place. Oh man, that would totally rock.

I've been talking with Pip, he is helping me get a good workout plan going. Found what appears on their website to be a really nice gym. One big selling point is they have a lap pool. I need to swim more, and I think this assignment will allow me to swim to my heart's content. Maybe get off work, and go swim for an hour or so. Then grab some breakfast, I should have a fridge in my room, get some ceral and milk. Eat breakfast. Then get to sleep. Wake up about 4 or so, run for an hour, then hit the gym and lift for an hour or so. Hit the showers, head back to the hotel for more healthy food, then off to work for 13 hours. Then repeat. Of course on days that i'm not lifting I'll probably be biking for 2-3 hours, working on that tan and really getting to know how flat this part of texas is.

I've got a lot more to say, but I'll talk about it later. I'm having trouble concentrating at the moment.


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