Monday, November 22, 2004

Update on Texas Life

Well, the last Barge is scheduled for tomorrow. Likelihood it'll happen.. I'm going to give it 35%. I mean, it could happen, but it also could be that they don't want to come on a holiday week, and are going to postpone it for next week. When the sun rises tomorrow over the bay, and the barge is there.. coming in to dock. I'll believe it. When I show up tomorrow morning and the hoses are getting ready to pump off the last of this shit.. then I'll do my little dance. I'm supposed to ship some stuff off, but I don't have any forms, or envelopes. Sort of pisses me off. I would just go to a mail center, oh but wait I work during the hours that they are open. I might call my partner and have him pick me up some while he is coming here to relieve me. I think I filled out an online shipping label for one package.. I'm almost positive that I requested it be picked up at the same place I want it delivered. But who knows. I bet if I request a pick up at the hotel they'll take it to the right place.. hopefully. Stupid not having any forms or envelopes. Should have planned ahead and picked them up a few days ago.. but I didn't know I was out. Oh well.. life goes on.

Worked out like crazy last night. Legs still sore. They are more sore than I think I've ever had them. Need to squat more. Need to lift legs more. Gotta stop focusing so much on the upper body. I guess I've just become a typical gym rat. I have to resist hitting the bench first thing. Seems like that is what they always do. Of course I look like any idiot, doing all these wierd lifts.. but whatever. I'm stronger, faster, and more fit than probably anyone else in the gym. I know that might sound sort of boastful.. but you haven't see some of these people. Damn. Sure you can bench 300 pounds.. but let's see you run up some stairs. Of course, there are the exceptional athletes like Richard Green and John Saxton that make me look like a lightweight and can kick my ass in races. Not for long though... everything about the 2005 season is going to be different.

So hopefully one way or another I'll have some place to eat over Thanksgiving. Hope I know who is coming up here in the next few days so I can start grovelling and try to switch back to nights.

Alright.. props to Sean for his brilliant post about the beauty of drafting. Very insightful.


1 comment:

Dave said...

I don't think one can be overly concerned. Well maybe, but I'm not nearly as bad as I could be. I just don't want to look back on all this years from now and think, "I wish I had trained a little harder so I could be better now." I see all these world class cyclists.. who are younger than me. Seeing Cancellara win the prolouge this year.. damn.. maybe I'm wrong.. but I could swear he is 21.

I don't think it is possible to achieve one's full potential as an athlete. You can always be better, faster, stronger, smarter. One can always strive to be better.
