Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Rain, holy crap

There is a crap load of rain here in Texas. I'm not really enjoying it too much. My bike isn't here yet, though if it was I'd be even more pissed. Having to put out air monitors sucks, you get soaked, have to walk through flooded areas.. I'm just soaked. But i guess it could be worse. I mean, I could be stuck in an office or lab somewhere doing the same crap every day. I'm enjoying this job still. Tomorrow is a rest day for me so I get to take some nice time off. Sleep, eat, and relax. I got my exercise ball all inflated so I might go crazy on that. Going to try to find firefly, it isn't at the local walmart. I think there is a block buster around Galveston somewhere, maybe even a best buy. Or a Hastings type store. I'll have to check around before I leave here. maybe if I find a cheap external DVD player I'll pick that up too.. maybe if I can find a cheap external DVDR or something. Who knows.

I have about 6 minutes before I can start writing my reports for today. I hope everyone who reads this is going to get out and vote today. I really don't care who you vote for as long as you get out there and vote. I could go into great detail about who you should vote for, but I don't think anyone wants to hear any more about this. I like to imagine that tomorrow is going to decide who are next president is going to be but I have a feeling that another debacle will soon occur. I don't see why the person who gets more votes doesn't automatically become president. I mean, that would make more sense right. But then states like CA and FL would get all screwed up.. since many of their votes would be split. Such a stupid system. I just want it to be over, the excessive mud slinging and black and white commercials are getting to me. Hey, who knows, maybe another draft will happen. That would be cool, though I have a feeling the governement would really regret giving me a gun and the knowledge of how to use it.

Ok, I have to go start doing the only real thing I have to do all night. Go out and vote, and take it easy..


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