Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Post for the masses

Alright punks, I'm posting, so lay off. I can assure you this post will not be as interesting as Joey's "Five Year Old Battle Royale" or Sean's latest rant about how republicans are destroying the world.. nor will it contain any clever poems or rhymes like Lacy's latest post.. so I hope you are merely happy with me talking about nothing important at all.

I've been swimming at the gym next door to the hotel.. feels good to be swimming again, though I don't think they normally get people who actually swim laps. People in the aquacize class keep getting in my lane, the oldies... sort of annyoing if you ask me. Swimming along, do a flip-turn, and suddenly you are staring straight at some huge, wrinkle, varicose veiny legs protruding from a flower suit much to small to fit the gigantic eldery woman who can barely handle the little foam weights they use in the class. Other than the occasional lane confusion, the swimming is fantastic. I'm obviously out of swimming shape, but the last few nights of swimming I feel like I've made marked improvement. So, hopefully I'll be able to be moderately competitive this season in the whole triathlon thing.

Tomorrow I don't have to be onsite until 3 pm or so. I think I'm going to get up early.. eat some oatmeal, do some movement prep, go running, lift some weights.. eat second breakfast, calibrate all my pumps and everything, get everything ready to ship to NY, lunch, maybe swim (don't want to overtrain, but eh.. I'm young) and then who knows.

Joey, just for future knowledge, I've totally got your back when the moaning, brain-eating hordes arrive. No matter what my current blogging situation is.

Adult Swim is on.. gotta go kill some brain cells.



amp said...

hello? can anyone see this comment? is my computer playing tricks on me? i keep seeing comments i make, but it seems like i'm the only one who can see them...

oh well, it's not like it's anything intersting anyways... like, i haven't started playing a computer game or anything. a computer game that i always teased my friends for playing and complained when my boyfriend started playing.. nope. not me. i'm invisible.

amp said...
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Sean said...

Dave, Toad Suck is in 10 days. Are you coming back?

J Williams said...

dave, i've become so convinced lately that the zombies will attack soon that i have begun shopping around for a machete. i think i might have the paranoia.