Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Free time..

Ok, I've determined that if I have any free time, none of it is used to update my blog. This saddens me since it must mean that I have nothing interesting to say or comment on if I don't have anything to do. Well I have stuff to do, but it isn't really all that interesting. Alas, I'll try to do better. Though it would get sort of depressing if I posted everyday without any comments. Hmmm.. there must be some sort of comprimise that I can come up with.

Anyways, things have been going well. Been exercising a lot. Riding my bike religiously, and running a little. Need to get more in, but it is hard here in El Dorado since I can't find a good route to do, and treadmills suck. Also been swimming a little, though again, El Dorado prevents good workouts. Perhaps when I get back into Little Rock I'll start going to the Y or something. Sean, would you be up for swimming a few times a week? Of course, I suck seriously at this point.. but if you were there at least you'd push my lazy ass.

Let's see, nothing else really going out.. I've become addicted to celery (prepackaged stuff, I mentioned I'm lazy right) over the past couple of weeks. Don't know why.. it is just so good. Also got the Samurai Jack season 2 DVDs.. plan on watching those, actually really looking forward to it. Hoping to get the FireFly DVDs soon too.. really liked it when it was on tv, and eagerly looking forward to the movie, hopefully it'll be good.

Oh, and I thought this was pretty funny. I realize that I only cruise the same few posting sites.. but this one made me laugh. Oh, and I hate whiney little kids (thus why I thought it was funny.)



Sean said...

Dave, Anna P. and I have gone swimming at the Y for the last 2 saturdays. It's nice to swim outside and the 50m pool is intense. I do at least one other 2 hr swim workout every week and little workouts following weights so I'm sure we could find some time to swim. There's a cheerleader camp going on at UALR right now so it would be really easy to sneak you in... not because you're a cheerleader but because there are 188767547 people going in and out of the building every hour.

J Williams said...

tell me what you think of firefly. i eagerly await the movie also.