Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Just a quick thought

This thought just popped into my head. It relates a lot to the fact that I've been watching a lot of TV lately (due to work) and The Incredibles (great movie by the way)... but why do so many super hero types wear capes? I am hoping that everyone who reads this regularly, or blog stalks, will perhaps put their two cents in and let me know what you think. Bonus points for extra clever answers.



Dave said...

This is from Stuart, I think he is shy or something and doesn't want to post on blogs.

"Many superheros are insecure about their asses dave and so they feel that a cape is a good way to cover said ass/insecurity, some superheros do have functional capes however (see spawn, storm, robin (from the cartoons (teen titans (i just wanted to have another set of parenthesis ( like these)))))"

lacy smith lister said...

i was going to go with aerodynamics and flying and stuff, but i think stuart is on to something. that, and capes make for dramatic changes of direction because the cape snaps up behind the superhero, thus drawing (unwanted) attention to their backs and buttocks. what a double-edged sword!

Sean said...

Superheroes who wear capes are obviously LARPers.

J Williams said...

Superheroes wear capes because it gets cold when flying high, high in the air faster than a speeding bullet and such. Also, capes are convenient when you need an apron -- perhaps when you are grilling superburgers! Capes furthermore provide many of the same features available in towels, and we all know how useful a towel can be.

Anonymous said...

Interesting Joey, I like the towel theory. Since superheros don't wear jeans and from time to time they are bound to get their hands dirty... hmmm ..I believe we could look at the superhero Quailman who skips the sleeker cape designs and goes for the functinal terry cloth cape (aka towel) which has superior absorbent qualities and is machine washable.

Dave said...

Holy crap.. did Stuart just post on a blog? I think this means he is mere moments away from starting his own blog, just so he doesn't have to post annonymously, and then we'll be able to see what really goes on inside that crazy mind of his. Sweet.

J Williams said...

Two points about Stuart posting:
1. Yes, he needs a blog. Stuart, get a blog. Now. The world demands it.
2. Stuart referenced Quailman, a superhero known only from the cartoon "Doug." I don't like "Doug." But I like "Stuart."
Ponder these points at your peril.

Dave said...

Joey, you are a wise and insightful observer. Stuart, get a blog so you can post about Doug all you want.. do you have a little bit of a cartoon crush on Doug?