Thursday, December 16, 2004

Was supposed to publish this yesterday, but was having problems

Thursday is probably the hardest day of the week. Don’t really feel like doing much work, Friday is the next day, and then it is the weekend. Monday’s aren’t usually so bad since the weekend looms so far in the distance, but Thursdays, the weekend is right there. As a child you could smell the Saturday morning cartoons and eating dry cereal straight out of the box, your sticky fingers mashing the remote searching for the perfect cartoon. Now Saturdays consist of getting up early, grabbing my cold weather riding gear, and hitting the road. It is much like cartoons of the past, only I get to go out and adventure rather watching animated people live fantastic lives. Riding is far superior to cartoons on so many levels, but that is a whole other blog.

But yes, the weekend is coming up and I believe we are going to be hitting Tunica Friday night. That will be a lot of fun, going to casinos in the South. Won’t be like the great ones from back home. Those were amazing constructions of neon and horrible mind numbing music. I don’t know what to expect from the casinos around here but I doubt they will be as impressive as ones like the Silver Legacy, or any of the great ones on the Strip.

Anyways, if I was still in school this would be finals, so I gotta give props to all the friends still plugging away at finals, and papers, and projects that should have been started weeks or months ago but that have been put off to the night before. I’m sure we’d all like to lie and pretend we planned ahead and never waited to the last minute. But that would be wrong. Our kids one day will ask us if we studied much and worked hard on things and we’ll say we will. But we all know that senior projects were started the week before, papers the night before, and cramming for tests usually started the period before. Sitting in a math history class, with your physics notebook open rather than listening to what Dr. Barel has to say. We’ve all been there, thank god that that is over.

Alright, I’m done. No crazy long posts for me… *nudges Sean* Take it easy everyone, and if you happen to be studying, well I feel ya.


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